We study broadcasting in multiple access channels with dynamic packet arrivals and jamming. Communication environments are represented by adversarial models that specify constraints on packet arrivals and jamming. We consider deterministic distributed broadcast algorithms and give upper bounds on the worst-case packet latency and the number of queued packets in relation to the parameters defining adversaries. Packet arrivals are determined by a rate of injections and a number of packets that can be generated in one round. Jamming is constrained by a rate with which an adversary can jam rounds and by a number of consecutive rounds that can be jammed.Keywords: multiple access channel, adversarial queuing, jamming, distributed algorithm, deterministic algorithm, packet latency, queues size. * The results of this paper appeared in a preliminary form in [7] and [8].We consider non-adaptive algorithms for channels without jamming when either collision detec-Conjecture 1 Each non-adaptive algorithm for channels without jamming that provides bounded queues, for injection rate ρ < 1, has its queue bound grow arbitrarily large as a function of injection rate ρ, if ρ approaches 1, for all sufficiently large and fixed numbers of stations n.Adaptive algorithm MBTF for channels without jamming has bounded queues even when ρ = 1, but its packet latency grows unbounded when ρ < 1 approaches 1. We conjecture that this reflects a general property of broadcast algorithms.Conjecture 2 Each broadcast algorithm for channels without jamming that provides bounded packet latency, for injection rate ρ < 1, has its packet-latency bound grow arbitrarily large as a function of injection rate ρ, if ρ approaches 1, for all sufficiently large and fixed numbers of stations n.We show that a non-adaptive algorithm for channels with jamming achieves bounded packet latency for ρ+λ < 1 when an upper bound on jamming burstiness is a part of code. We hypothesize that this is unavoidable and reflects the utmost power of non-adaptive algorithms.Conjecture 3 Each non-adaptive broadcast algorithm for channels with jamming can be made unstable by some adversaries with injection rates ρ and jamming rates λ satisfying ρ + λ < 1, for all sufficiently large and fixed numbers of stations n.Adaptive algorithm C-MBTF for channels with jamming has bounded queues when ρ + λ = 1 but its packet latency increases unbounded when ρ + λ < 1 approaches 1, for a fixed n; see the