Broccoli has great economic, social, and nutritional importance. Genetic improvements through breeding programs for this species made available cultivars with satisfactory production in hot and humid climates. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the inflorescence production of broccoli cultivars (Ramoso and Cabeça groups) in the hot and humid climate of Central Amazonia. In experiment 1, Ramoso group cultivars were evaluated (Verão Ramoso Piracicaba, Ramoso Santana, Piracicaba, Piracicaba Precoce, Ramirez F1, Hanabi, Piracicaba Precoce Verão, and Hanapon ). In experiment 2, Cabeça group cultivars were evaluated (Green Storm, Strong, TPX-00925, Salinas F1, Bibou, Domador, Burney, and BRO 68 ). A randomized block experimental design was used, with eight treatments consisted of cultivars, and four replications for each experiment. Quantitative variables were evaluated, including inflorescence fresh and dry weights; and the qualitative variables evaluated showed the occurrence of undesirable characteristics in the inflorescences. Significant differences were found within the Ramoso group cultivars and within the Cabeça group cultivars evaluated. The broccoli cultivars that showed the best inflorescence production in the humid, hot climate of Central Amazonia were Verão Ramoso Piracicaba, Piracicaba Precoce Verão, Ramoso Santana, and Piracicaba Precoce of the Ramoso group; and Green Storm and Burney of the Cabeça group.