Abstract. Mean dimension measures the size of an infinite dimensional dynamical system. Brody curves are one-Lipschitz entire holomorphic curves in the projective space, and they form a topological dynamical system. Gromov started the problem of estimating its mean dimension in the paper of 1999. We solve this problem. Namely we prove the exact mean dimension formula of the dynamical system of Brody curves. Our formula expresses the mean dimension by the energy density of Brody curves. The proof is based on a novel application of the metric mean dimension theory of Lindenstrauss and Weiss.
Mean dimension formulaThis is the local Lipschitz constant. For a unit tangent vector u ∈ T z C the Fubini-Study length of df (u) ∈ T f (z) CP N is equal to the spherical derivative |df |(z) Recently new waves have begun, and Brody curves attract new interests of several authors [1,3,4,5,6,12,14,15,19]. One source of new interests is the work of Gromov [8]. He introduced a new topological invariant of dynamical systems called mean dimension, and proposed a program to study many infinite dimensional dynamical systems in geometric analysis from the viewpoint of this invariant. The dynamical system consisting of Brody curves is the simplest example in this program. The purpose of our paper is.