Plot OG was organically cultivated while maximum tillage system with the use herbicides was employed for plot CN. There were three replicates for each: OG1, OG2, OG3 and CN1, CN2, CN3. Cassava stems were planted with other same treatments. The effectiveness of the conventional(CN) and the organic(OG) farming were compared using the heights of the crops and weeds on the plots relative to the number of days and the weeds densities. Leaf Area Index (LAI) and yield of the tubers per acre were also measured. The results show significant effects (p < 0.05) of weeding methods observed (p = 0.008 and 0.000) on the recorded weeds' heights; no significant effects (p >0.05) of weeding methods were observed (p = 0.269) on weeds' density in plot OG but was observed (p<0.05) in plot CN. At 270th day, the percentage of LAI increment for the conventional over the organic was 39.89%. The regression analysis shows stronger relationship between methods of farming and crop heights average values, R 2 = 0.998 and 0.999. Plot CN had the highest figure of merit, 214% for conventional than organic. The total yield was 118% increased for the chemically weeded plot CN over the manually weeded plot OG.