The emergence of technologies like Big data analytics, Industrial Internet of Things, Internet of Things, and applicability of these technologies in various domains leads to increased demand in the underlying execution environment. The demand may be for compute, storage, and network resources. These demands cannot be effectively catered by the conventional cloud environment, which requires an integrated environment. The task of finding an appropriate service provider is tedious for a service consumer as the number of service providers drastically increases and the services provided are heterogeneous in the specification. A service broker is essential to find the service provider for varying service consumer requests. Also, the service broker should be smart enough to make the service providers best fit for consumer requests, ensuring that both service consumer and provider are mutually beneficial. A service broker in an integrated environment named Global Manager is proposed in the paper, which can find an appropriate service provider for every varying service consumer request. The proposed Global Manager is capable of identification of parameters for service negotiation with the service providers thereby making the providers the best fit to the maximum possible extent for every consumer request. The paper describes the architecture of the proposed Global Manager, workflow through the proposed algorithms followed by the pilot implementation with sample datasets retrieved from literature and synthetic data. The experimental results are presented with a few of the future work to be carried out to make the Manager more sustainable and serviceable.