Although thyroid tumors with tracheal stenosis are occasionally encountered, severe tracheal stenosis caused by benign thyroid tumors is rare. We herein describe a case in which a silicone tracheal stent was placed for severe tracheal stenosis induced by a giant goiter due to Graves’ disease.
Case Description
A 93-year-old woman had been receiving thiamazole treatment for Graves’ disease with a thyroid goiter for 32 years. She emergently presented to the hospital with sudden difficulty breathing and the temporary loss of consciousness. Although marked stridor was heard, the patient’s respiratory status was stable in the first visit. Computed tomography revealed a giant thyroid goiter that extended to the mediastinum. The trachea was compressed by the sternal notch and thyroid gland, resulting in severe stenosis, and the tracheal lumen was only 1 mm. Surgical thyroidectomy was expected to be difficult due to the high risk of complications associated with the large size of the goiter and advanced age of the patient. Therefore, we decided to place a tracheal stent. A silicone stent (Dumon tube
) was inserted into the site of tracheal stenosis under general anesthesia. After stent placement, respiratory distress symptoms improved, and no complications were observed. Three months after stent placement, the stent opening side was narrowed due to defective granulation and, thus, was cauterized with argon plasma coagulation.
We encountered a patient who was treated by tracheal silicone stent placement for severe tracheal stenosis induced by a giant goiter due to Graves’ disease. A silicone stent effectively secures the airway for benign thyroid tumors that cause severe airway stenosis.