The free multiplicative Brownian motion bt is the large-N limit of Brownian motion B N t on the general linear group GL(N ; C). We prove that the Brown measure for bt-which is an analog of the empirical eigenvalue distribution for matrices-is supported on the closure of a certain domain Σt in the plane. The domain Σt was introduced by Biane in the context of the large-N limit of the Segal-Bargmann transform associated to GL(N ; C).We also consider a two-parameter version, bs,t: the large-N limit of a related family of diffusion processes on GL(N ; C) introduced by the second author. We show that the Brown measure of bs,t is supported on the closure of a certain planar domain Σs,t, generalizing Σt, introduced by Ho.In the process, we introduce a new family of spectral domains related to any operator in a tracial von Neumann algebra: the L p n -spectrum for n ∈ N and p ≥ 1, a subset of the ordinary spectrum defined relative to potentially-unbounded inverses. We show that, in general, the support of the Brown measure of an operator is contained in its L 2 2 -spectrum. 1 arXiv:1810.00153v4 [math.FA]