Background: Brucellosis is a worldwide zoonotic systemic infectious disease with a diverse clinical presentation. Cardiovascular affections are not frequent, and the main cardiac manifestation of Bru-cellosis is endocarditis. Pericarditis without endocarditis is extremely rare. Case Presentation: In this case report, we present an exceptional case of pericarditis caused by Brucellosis in the absence of concomitant endocarditis in a 30-year-old woman, one-month postpar-tum, from the countryside. The lady presented with night sweats, mild fever, weight loss, dyspnea and chest pain. A diagnostic workup revealed positive titers for Brucella, indicating that the patient was suffering from systemic Brucellosis. The patient recovered completely, after receiving appropri-ate oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and dual antibiotics treatment, and responded well without any sign of relapse during a six month follow-up period. Conclusion: Pericarditis can occur during Brucellosis as an isolated cardiac symptom. Brucellar per-icarditis should always be kept in mind in patients with pericarditis and pericardial effusion, alt-hough the prevalence of pericarditis in Brucellosis is very low.