The de vel op ment of a rel a tively small and iso lated part of the Wuchiapingian, Zechstein Wielichowo Reef was pos si ble owing to a pro gres sive sub si dence and fre quent sea level fluc tu a tions. Three biofacies were dis tin guished within this fea ture: (1) the shal low-wa ter and highly en er getic Acanthocladia biofacies, dom i nated by bryo zoans and cri noids, with poorly preserved po ros ity, re duced mainly by cal cite ce men ta tion and com pac tion; (2) the Horridonia biofacies com pris ing nu mer ous brachi o pods pre fer ring a mod er ate depth of wa ter, with com pa ra bly poor po ros ity; and (3) the Fenestella/Kingopora biofacies rich in the most highly vari able fos sils, of the deep est and calm est wa ters, oc cur ring at the top of the sec tion and show ing a sig nif i cant ef fec tive po ros ity, reach ing al most 13%. Among many diagenetic pro cesses al ter ing the reef, sev eral lines of ev i dence sug gest that it was the me te oric diagenesis to en hance its po ros ity most ex ten sively. Since no stromatolites are pres ent, the fi nal sea level drop is in ter preted to be rapid, hence cre at ing con di tions fa vour able for the me te oric dis so lution. Some intraparticle po ros ity, how ever, seems to be of depositional or i gin.