We discuss brane webs preserving eight supercharges and derive geometries produced by them. Consistency conditions of supergravity are shown to impose certain requirements on the locations of the sources, and these restrictions are found to be in a perfect agreement with results of the probe analysis. In particular, solutions of IIB SUGRA describing (p, q) stings are inconsistent, unless the web consists of straight line segments whose orientation is correlated with charges of the string. The geometries produced by membranes and D3 branes are only consistent if brane profiles are holomorphic. Using perturbation theory, we show that a unique gravity solution exists for any allowed distribution of sources. We also revisit 1/4-BPS geometries with AdS p × S q asymptotics and derive the boundary conditions leading to regular geometries. All degenerate limits of regular solutions are shown to agree with expectations from the brane probe analysis.