“…and Hoelscher (1986), Cebula (1988Cebula ( , 1990bCebula ( , 1990cCebula ( , 1991a, Cebula et (11, (1988,1992), (5) unanticipated deficits and the spread between short and long rates see Kim and Lombra (1989) Goff (1990) and Kim and Lombra (1989); (6) unanticipated deficits and three-month Treasury bill rates, see Makin and Tanzi (1984); (7) anticipated deficits and interest rates, see Thomas andAbderrezak (1988a, 1988b); (8) excess government deficits and long rates, see Tran and Sawhney (1988); (9) deficit announcements and interest rates, see Wachtel and Young (1987). Studies which have found empirical evidence indicating that budget deficits have no significant effect on interest rates include, Hoelscher (1983), Mascaro and Meltzer (1983), McMillin (1986), Giannaros and Kolluri (1989), Darrat (1989Darrat ( , 1990 and Findlay (1990). A review of this literature appears in Congressional Budget Office (1984), US Treasury Department (1984) and in Barth et a/.…”