he use of digital information tools in our daily life, demands technicalcompetencies to navigate through digital information successfully. Everylearning organisation today, facing a lot of challenges to keep theirinstitutions going, increasing in growth and sustainable effectively in amodest world. Knowledge is the main resource and the important essencein any of learning organisations. Knowledge management nowadays ispractically accessible through digital tools. The need on which digitalcompetency level and resources availability, are the key factors ondigitalisation success process. This only a concept paper, hence the purposeof this paper is to reveal that in a learning organisation, the digitalisationprocess maybe success with the help of technology, resources and thecompetences of the users. The concept is developed by an extensive literaturereview of on digitalisation and analysis of different knowledge sources ina learning organisation. The key concept can be used by practitioners indeveloping a learning organisation to guide them to choose a sufficientsubset of tools that covers the digitalisation processes to ensure that noprocess is overlooked. The result of successful digitalisation is an interestingarea for further research. However, the current view on value underlies init offering practitioners in giving at least a starting point. The paper can beused by educational organisations to guide on successful in digitalisationprocess effectively and efficiently. The paper addresses some of the socialelements related to successful in learning organisations. However, it is more technically targeted. Researchers have analysed that holistic overview andthe effect of digital competence towards the successful of digitalisationprocess. Furthermore, limited research addresses the successful ofdigitalisation process because of the constrains in resources.