“…Therefore, the one process step for building urban TC that stands out from all papers is the adoption of novel frameworks and techniques for self-assessment, formal or informal, that enable to envisage, exchange, interpret, and evaluate data and knowledge held by diverse actors across domains, places, and scales. Transdisciplinary self-assessment thus proves fundamental to establish a transformation baseline and opportunity context for collective learning, and is correspondingly also applied by various authors-be that in the form of a policy visualization and assessment tool (Glaas et al 2019), through joint mapping of initiatives and governance structures (Borgström 2019), in a differential assessment of transformative capacity by stakeholders and researchers (Wolfram 2019), or the various techniques used in the context of city-university partnerships (Withycombe Keeler et al 2019). Such forms of self-assessment are, however, the exception, and thus need more targeted support, e.g., through research policy and new regulation.…”