lobal health research typically takes place within the North-South divide, 1-3 where the Northern partner is highly trained in research methods and comes from a resource-rich environment, while the Southern partner has a paucity of these skills and resources. 4 As a result, Southern partners often have little input into the research process (e.g., research design, development of instruments, etc.) and remain dependent on Northern partners to conduct research. 4-10 Accordingly, many North-South partnerships are criticized for remaining semi-colonial in nature, as the control and benefits of research (e.g., publications, results, research skills, etc.) continue to accrue in the North. 6,7 Unfortunately, there are very few successful models of how to develop a mutually beneficial research relationship. One of the few comes from community-based participatory research (CBPR), which is designed to mitigate the challenges inherent in asymmetric research relationships. 11,12 Although beginning to gain traction, 13,14 CBPR projects remain uncommon in the context of global health. Another collaborative model that may have relevance to the North-South divide was the development of the Canadian First Nations Information Governance Committee and the principles of Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAP). OCAP principles help Aboriginal people in Canada regain control over research to mitigate neo-colonial aspects of research. 15 Globally, Southern partners continue to 'host' research led by Northern researchers, while struggling to build the necessary capacity for Southern-led research. 16 The objective of this study was to document North-South research collaborations and provide insight into the ongoing benefits and challenges of engaging in the research process from the Southern perspective. These examples demonstrate that opportunities to build research capacity in the South are often present within global research partnerships, but not always optimized. METHODS The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) in Uganda was founded in 1987 and since that time has been involved in research with organ