Constructing the Afghan National Police (ANP) facilities was among the U.S. Government's (USG) infrastructure development efforts for the stability operation mission in Afghanistan. Therefore, this study selected two communities in the northern and eastern parts of Afghanistan to assess how the introduction of these police stations has influenced the perception of neighborhood safety and local growth. This study used complementary datasets and methods, including multilevel models, to relate qualitative and quantitative information. This study revealed contrasting outcomes: (a) people's feeling of safety attributed to the ANP facilities is higher in the less safe area, and (b) people's perception of the overall neighborhood safety in the two study areas is unrelated to each other. These feelings of safety are associated with perceived trust and confidence in the police; and most importantly, the ANP facilities contributed to a level of perceived institutional influence in promoting patriotism and national identity in the community. Overall, the addition of police infrastructure and institutions in these two study areas has supported security, resilience, and growth in the community. These measures provide novel insights that are practical for assessing impacts on infrastructure development in conflict-ridden environments and can facilitate better-informed decisions for future infrastructure development supporting USG missions. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents.