This thesis advances methods for performing markerless visual tracking of articulated bodies using one or two cameras. The research presented aims to improve upon existing Bayesian inspired tracking methods, by examining the 'building blocks' of these tracking algorithms, in particular the measurement function design, the state space selection, and local optimization methods. Results presented in this thesis show that improvements can be made in all of these areas. These improvements are applicable to a variety of Bayesian tracking algorithms.This thesis begins by examining literature relevant to the visual tracking problem. This includes the measurement functions used by other authors, focussing on the edge detection methods used in both tracking and segmentation problems. A general overview of the global search problem is given next, as a global search is a fundamental part of a Bayesian tracking algorithm. The combination of Newton like local optimization methods and the measurement functions used in visual tracking problems is examined next, and it is shown that Newton optimizers are not ideally suited to these measurement functions. The Bayesian tracking framework is then detailed, along with a review of several existing Bayesian tracking algorithms. Finally some non Bayesian tracking algorithms are discussed.Following the literature review, details of the models used in the experiments presented in this thesis are given. These include the articulated human body model, the camera model, image gradient metrics, self occlusion treatment, and a generic colour based region measurement method.The use of graph based approaches for edge measurements is then investigated. Graph based methods are commonly used in image segmentation problems, however have not been applied to visual tracking problems. A novel method for performing edge measurements using the 'shortest path' around the object's occluding contour is presented. Unlike in the segmentation problem, self occlusion models mean the weights or costs of some graph vertices can not be determined. Different treatments for occluded graph vertices are given and evaluated. It is shown that the graph based approach produces observational likelihoods that are more accurate and have significantly fewer local maxima than the edge measurement schemes previously used in tracking problems. While this approach is computationally more expensive than other methods, it is argued that this is offset by the reduced computational expense of the global search procedure used in tracking algorithms.The choice of state space used in the tracking problems is examined next. While most authors have used a state space based on the joint angles of the human body, a Cartesian state space based on the world coordinates of limbs is proposed. While Cartesian based state spaces have been used by iii other authors for representations of kinematic models, to the author's knowledge they have not been used for full kinematic models. It is shown that that the more linear relationship betwee...