“…The mtemational hterature cites many examples of creative strategies used to introduce researdi mto nursmg/ midwifery programmes Qanken et al 1988, Laschmger et al 1990, Lee 1988) That is not to say that there is a consensus amongst educators as to the most effective means of achieving the desired leammg outcomes Some advocate a research awareness approach whereas others encourage students to leam about research by 'doing' it (Clark & Sleep 1991) Whichever approach is adopted, it is unrealistic for educational programmes to place upon practitioners the burden of introducing research mto the workplace, unless the dimate prevailing in both service and management spheres is receptive to change A recent North Amencan study suggested that a major mfluence m the utilization of J Sleep research was the amount of support nurses received from their leaders and admimstrators which may not necessanly be forthcommg (Champion & Leach 1989) This view is endorsed by Funk et al (1989) who suggest that mnovation m pradice is not always valued by either dimaans or their employers Thus, no matter how much dmiaans leam about research m the educational settmg, there is a problem about transfemng this knowledge mto the real world of prachce Resistance to change is ated by several authors as a major mfluence inhibiting the mtroduchon of research into dmical care Horsley et al (1983) descnbe resistance to change as 'any response or behaviour that serves to keep thmgs as they are m the face of the pressure to change' They consider this to be a protechve mechamsm which guards agamst the consequences of change that 'threaten beliefs, values, athtudes and behaviour central to those affeded' Robmson (1987) also recognizes that new knowledge can be threatenmg since it can throw mto question the meanmg which practitioners have given to their workmg hves for many years We should not be surpnsed therefore if the validity of the proposals is demed and if practihoners mamtam that because it is they who do the work, only they can be expected to know what is best…”