“…FIG.3:(a), The real component of the reconstructed electronic dispersion ε k for F0 = 330 T and m * 0 ≈ 0.18 me (where me is the free electron mass), as for the small ρ ellipsoids in SmB6,10 for which we have v0 ≈ 640,000 ms −1 , k0 ≈ 1.00 × 10 9 m −1 and ε0 ≈ 21 meV. We use ∆ε = 2 meV,26 and λ = 800 Å, which yields Γ0 = |v 0 | λ ≈ 5.3 meV. (b), An expanded view of the electronic dispersion for the same F , m * and ∆ε, but for different values of λ. λ = 800 Å corresponds to the situation in which Γ02V , λ = 120 Å corresponds to the situation in which Γ0 2V , λ = 80 Å corresponds to the situation in which Γ0 2V , and λ = 40 Å corresponds to the situation in which Γ02V .…”