Ultrapure hafnium metal (110 ppm zirconium) was neutron activated with a thermal neutron flux of 6.6 · 10 12 cm −2 s −1 in order to obtain 181 Hf for subsequent time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) experiments using the nuclear probe 181 Hf(β − ) 181 Ta. Apart from the expected nuclear quadrupole interaction (NQI) signal for a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) metal, three further discrete NQIs were observed with a few percent fraction each. The TDPAC spectra were recorded for up to 11 half lives with extreme statistical accuracy. The fitted parameters vary slightly within the temperature range between 248 K and 373 K. The signals corresponding to the three additional sites completely disappear after 'annealing' at 453 K for one minute. Based on the symmetry of the additional NQIs and their temperature dependencies, they are tentatively attributed to Frenkel pairs produced by recoil due to the emission of a prompt 5.694 MeV γ-ray following thermal neutron capture and reported by the nuclear probe in three different positions. These Frenkel pairs are stable up to at least 373 K.