In this work, the textural properties of a series of whole anthracitic-derived fly ashes sampled in eight
hoppers from the electrostatic precipitators and their sized fractions (from >150 to <25 μm) are investigated.
Data from N2 adsorption isotherms at 77 K, helium density, and mercury porosimetry have contributed to
establish a relationship between the Brunauer−Emmett−Teller (BET) surface areas, V
TOT, porosity, carbon
content (the type of fly ash carbons), and Hg retention in these fly ashes. The unburned carbons in these ashes
are macroporous materials, and they are different from the carbons in fly ashes from classes C and F (the
latter derived from the combustion of bituminous coals) and show different textural properties. These ashes
represent the end member of the fly ash classes C and F with respect to certain textural properties. Although
the BET surface area and V
TOT values for the studied samples are the lowest reported, they increase with the
increase in carbon content, anisotropic carbon content, and particle size of the ashes. Thus, a positive relationship
between all these parameters and Hg capture by the coarser ash fractions was found. The finest fraction of
carbons (<25 μm) represented an exception. Although it makes a significant contribution to the total carbon
of the whole fly ashes and shows relatively higher surface areas and V
TOT values, its Hg concentration was
found to be the lowest. This suggests that the type of unburned carbons in the finest fraction and/or other
adsorption mechanisms may play a role in Hg concentration. Because the textural properties of anisotropic
carbons depend on their subtype and on their origin, the need for its differentiation has been evidenced.