ANAIS is a direct detection dark matter experiment aiming at the study of the annual modulation expected in the interaction rate. It uses same target and technique as the DAMA/LIBRA experiment, which reported a highly significant positive modulation compatible with that expected for dark matter particles distributed in the galactic halo. However, other very sensitive experiments do not find any hint of particles with the required properties, although comparison is model dependent. In 2017, ANAIS-112 experiment was installed at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC), in Spain, and after the commissioning run for calibration and general assessment, ANAIS-112 started data taking in dark matter mode on August 3 rd , 2017. It consists of nine NaI(Tl) modules, amounting 112.5 kg of mass in total. Here we report on the experimental apparatus and detector performance after the first year of data taking. Total live time available amounts to 341.72 days, being the corresponding exposure 105.32 kg x yr. ANAIS-112 has achieved an analysis energy threshold of 1 keVee and an average background in the region of interest, from 1 to a Corresponding authors:, b Deceased 6 keVee, of 3.6 counts/keVee/kg/day after correcting by the event selection efficiencies. In these conditions, ANAIS-112 will be able to test the DAMA/LIBRA result at three sigma level in five years of data taking.