A B S T R A C T Failure behaviour of free-standing plasma-sprayed coatings was investigated under combined axial and shear loading. Thin-walled tubular specimens were loaded with various combinations of tension/compression and torsion. This allows the failure surface to be established for loading situations where the two principal stresses are of opposite signs. Specimens failed in one of the two modes, a tensile failure perpendicular to the maximum principal stress or a compression shear failure through the thickness. Failure data were adequately described by the maximum principal stress theory. Stress-strain curves fall within a single scatter band depending on the failure mode. In situ deformation tests showed that the mechanism was microcrack closing and sliding in compression and microcrack opening, coalescence and the development of new microcracks in tension.Keywords multiaxial fracture; thermal barrier coatings.
N O M E N C L A T U R Eε 1 , ε 2 , ε 3 = principal strains λ = biaxial stress ratio µ = internal friction coefficient σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 = principal stresses σ n = normal stress acting on shear plane σ f C = fracture stress in compression σ f T = fracture stress in tension τ = shear stress τ 13 , τ 23 = principal shear stresses τ o = cohesive strength τ f = fracture strength in shear
I N T R O D U C T I O NPlasma-sprayed thick thermal barrier coatings (TTBC) are being developed for thermal protection of diesel engine components during high-temperature service. Potential benefits of using TTBC in diesel engine applications include significantly higher operating temperatures, lower emissions and wider fuel tolerances. Unlike thinner coatings, TTBC often fail in the coating itself rather than at the interface between the coating and substrate. The plasma spray process produces coatings with a microstructure containing a high volume fraction of pores and microcracks. While these pores and microcracks significantly reduce the thermal conductivity of the coatings, they also lower the internal cohesion and the strength of the coating materials. Mechanical properties of freestanding coatings have been measured in both tension and compression loading. 1,2 Compression strengths range from about 250 to 500 MPa depending on the composition and processing conditions. Tensile strengths are an order of magnitude lower, typically about 10-20 MPa. Cruse et al. 3 measured shear strengths of about 12 MPa employing the Iosipescu four-point shear test specimen that has been developed for composite laminates. Even though the thermal loading of a TTBC may be in compression, tensile residual stresses and fractures often occur because of nonlinear deformation of the coating during the heating and cooling cycle. 4,5 Load transfer from the substrate to the coating produces shear stresses which combine with the compressive c 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct 28, 623-631 623