We solve the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations with homogeneous boost-invariant boundary conditions, and perform a stability analysis of the solution. We show that, if the bulk viscosity has a peak around Tc as inferred from QCD-based arguments, the background solution "freezes" at Tc to a nearly constant temperature state. This state is however highly unstable with respect to certain inhomogeneous modes. Calculations show that these modes have enough time to blow up and tear the system into droplets. We conjecture that this is how freeze-out occurs in the QGP created in heavy ion collisions, and perhaps similar transitions in the early universe.PACS numbers: 25.75.Dw,25.75.Nq The system produced at RHIC [1] is believed to be a good liquid in the early stages of its evolution. At a later stage this liquid transforms into a gas of particles which interact more weakly and eventually decouple.The transition from a strongly interacting liquid into particles is however still not understood, both on the fundamental and phenomenological level. On a conceptual level, no adequate description exists of how the mean-free path goes from zero ("nearly ideal liquid") to a distance comparable to system size ("transport" of particles).On a phenomenological level, hydrodynamics fails to reproduce particle interferometry data [2] unless the system decouples at an unrealistically high temperature [3] (∼ T c , the critical temperature for the QCD phase transition) . Moreover, attempts to use a hadronic transport model as an afterburner to hydrodynamics (conceptually considered to be the "next best" approximation) has failed to improve the model-data agreement [4,5,6].Recent attempts to reconcile hydrodynamics with interferometric data [7,8] have focused on a supposed sharp increase, and perhaps divergence, of bulk viscosity near T c . This behavior of bulk viscosity has now been inferred from a variety of arguments [9,10,11]. In this work, we combine the recently acquired understanding of viscosity with an earlier study [12] to get a simple picture of how the peak in viscosity triggers freeze-out process.The Navier-Stokes equations with Boost-invariant symmetry [13,15] can be rewritten [12] in terms of the Reynolds number R, the entropy s the co-moving time τ , the total number (N ) of dimensions, and the dimensionality of the homogeneous expansion (M )For example, M = 1 N = 3 corresponds to the case studied in [13], M = N = 3 to the "Krakow model" [14] or to a Friedman-like solution in flat space. The Reynolds number is a function of temperature T ,bulk and shear viscosity ζ and η and entropy s where t = T − T c and σ = 0.01T c and z pQCD ∼ 10