The endangered California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus)
was reduced to a total population of 22 birds by the end
of 1982. Their captive-bred descendants are now being
released back into the wild in California, Arizona, and Baja
California, where monitoring indicates they may accumulate
lead to toxic levels. Fragments of ammunition in the
carcasses of game animals such as deer, elk, and feral
pigs not retrieved by hunters or in gut piles left in the field
have been considered a plausible source of the lead,
though little direct evidence is available to support this
hypothesis. Here, we measured lead concentrations and
isotope ratios in blood from 18 condors living in the wild in
central California, in 8 pre-release birds, and in diet and
ammunition samples to determine the importance of
ammunition as a source of exposure. Blood lead levels in pre-release condors were low (average 27.7 ng/mL, SD 4.9 ng/mL) and isotopically similar to dietary and background
environmental lead in California. In contrast, blood lead
levels in free-flying condors were substantially higher (average
246 ng/mL, SD 229 ng/mL) with lead isotopic compositions
that approached or matched those of the lead ammunition.
A two-endmember mixing model defined by the background
207Pb/206Pb ratio of representative condor diet samples
(0.8346) and the upper 207Pb/206Pb ratio of the ammunition
samples (0.8184) was able to account for the blood
lead isotopic compositions in 20 out of the 26 live condors
sampled in this study (i.e., 77%). Finally, lead in tissues
and in a serially sampled growing feather recovered post-mortem from a lead-poisoned condor in Arizona evidence
acute exposure from an isotopically distinct lead source.
Together, these data indicate that incidental ingestion of
ammunition in carcasses of animals killed by hunters is the
principal source of elevated lead exposure that threatens
the recovery in the wild of this endangered species.