EditorialGivcn the nature of the process of education, the human groups for whom education is designed and with whom educating is, to a great degree, an intimate, social interaction, even the most superficial examination of the elements involved reveals a diversity of components which span most, if not all, aspects of human life. Some time ago it was recognized that our own education and the education of our fellow humans extends in length and breadth far outside the formal classrooms of primary, secondary, and postsecondary education. This said, it is not at all difficult to identify components of education such as life-long learning, social responsibilities, citizenship, gender based issues, and helping people develop their potential. What a contr8st these postmodern concepts of education make when compared with traditionally espoused notions of "back to basics" and "the three Rs", which, even as I write, are still perceived by many in the community to be by far the most suitable concepts by which wc may cope with the present and try to facc;; the future.This edition presents articles on education which are widely varied in nature, but nonetheless have application to the profession as manifest in its many forms. They have relevance, also, to important aspects of the ways in which we socialize and are socialized within the context of education and educating. These articles, then, are presented to encourage the examination of education through somewhat different lenses and to invite questions pertaining to where we are and where we are going. Donne la nature du processus d'education, les groupes humains pour qui l'education est destinee ct avec qui I'enseignement est eminement une action mutuelle intime et sociale, meme I 'examen Ie plus superficiel revele une diversite des elements compris qui traverse to us les aspects de la vie humaine. 11 y a quelque temps que I'on a reconnu que notre education et celie de tous les autres etres humains s'etendent bien en dehors des salles de classe des ecoles de tous les niveaux. A partir de ceia, il n' est pas difficile d'identifier les aspects d'education, c'est a dire I'apprentissage de toute la vie, les responsabilites sociaies, Ie civisme, les matieres qui s'agit de genre (sexe), et comment aider aux gens d'atteindre leur maximum. Quel contraste qu'on voit entre ces concepts d'education post-modernes et les idees generales traditionellement embrassees qui s'agit de se retourner aux essentielles et I'apprentissage de langue, de lecture, et de mathematiques. Ceux-ci sont vus par plusieurs membres de la communaute, meme au present, comme les concepts les plus appropries pour se charger du present aussi bien que du futur.Cette edition presente les articles au sujet d'education qui sont varies mais qui au meme temps s'appJiquent a to utes les formes du professorat. lls ont rapport aussi aux aspects importants des manieres par lesquelles on s'associe et est associe dans Ie contexte d'apprentissage et d'enseignement. Ces articles, alors, sont prescntes ici pour encourager I'ex...