DOI: 10.1063/1.2766956
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Buoyancy-driven convection around chemical fronts traveling in covered horizontal solution layers

Abstract: Density differences across an autocatalytic chemical front traveling horizontally in covered thin layers of solution trigger hydrodynamic flows which can alter the concentration profile. We theoretically investigate the spatiotemporal evolution and asymptotic dynamics resulting from such an interplay between isothermal chemical reactions, diffusion, and buoyancy-driven convection. The studied model couples the reaction-diffusion-convection evolution equation for the concentration of an autocatalytic species to… Show more

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Cited by 42 publications
(72 citation statements)
References 39 publications
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“…In the presence of convection the dynamics of the concentration and flow fields are investigated by numerically solving Eqs. (8)- (12) using the numerical procedure described in Rongy et al (2007). We checked that the results converge while decreasing the time and space step size.…”
Section: ð14þmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the presence of convection the dynamics of the concentration and flow fields are investigated by numerically solving Eqs. (8)- (12) using the numerical procedure described in Rongy et al (2007). We checked that the results converge while decreasing the time and space step size.…”
Section: ð14þmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In closed horizontal solution layers (no surface open to air), convection triggered by the density jump across a propagating front has been shown both experimentally [30][31][32][33][34] and numerically [35][36][37][38][39][40][41] to deform and to speed up this front in isothermal conditions. When the reaction is exothermic, the combination of solutal and thermal density changes comes into play and has been noted to affect for instance the propagation of polymerization fronts in horizontal layers 42,43 and to result in new dynamical behaviors for the case of chemical fronts of the chlorite-tetrathionate (CT) reaction [44][45][46] and of the IAA reaction.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, the two systems present important differences too, which could help differentiate experimentally between Marangoni and buoyancy convection in solution layers with an open surface. 39 We have next considered the dynamics of an exothermic front propagating in covered layers in the presence of pure buoyancy convection alone showing important modifications in the system with regard to the isothermal dynamics. 44,56 We have investigated two different situations: the first one where the solutal and thermal effects act cooperatively to decrease the density of the solution during the reaction, and the second one where they act antagonistically.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…6,13,14 In thin horizontal solution layers, it is known that convection can also deform the dynamic of autocatalytic fronts or waves. 4,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] In the case of a simple reaction front propagating horizontally, it has been shown both experimentally 17,18,22 and numerically 16,23 that instead of a gravity current leading to a homogeneous solution, the coupling between reaction, diffusion, and convection triggered by the density difference leads in isothermal conditions to CHAOS 19, 023110 ͑2009͒ one solitary vortex structure deforming the front and speeding it up. The vortex rotates clockwise if the products are lighter than the reactants and climb above them ͑⌬ S Ͻ 0͒.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%