A severe burn can trigger a hypermetabolic state which lasts for years following the injury, to the detriment of the patient. The drastic increase in metabolic demands during this phase renders it difficult to meet the body’s nutritional requirements, thus increasing muscle, bone and adipose catabolism and predisposing the patient to a host of disorders such as multi-organ dysfunction and sepsis, or even death. Despite advances in burn care over the last 50 years, due to the multifactorial nature of the hypermetabolic phenomenon it is difficult if not impossible to precisely identify and pharmacologically modulate the biological mediators contributing to this substantial metabolic derangement. Here, we discuss biomarkers and molecules which play a role in the induction and mediation of the hypercatabolic condition post-thermal injury. Furthermore, this thorough review covers the development of the factors released after burns, how they induce cellular and metabolic dysfunction, and how these factors can be targeted for therapeutic interventions to restore a more physiological metabolic phenotype after severe thermal injuries.