In the setting of reversible continuous-time Markov chains, the CD Υ condition has been shown recently to be a consistent analogue to the Bakry-Émery condition in the diffusive setting in terms of proving Li-Yau inequalities under a finite dimension term and proving the modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality under a positive curvature bound. In this article we examine the case where both is given, a finite dimension term and a positive curvature bound. For this purpose we introduce the CD Υ pκ, F q condition, where the dimension term is expressed by a so called CD-function F . We derive functional inequalities relating the entropy to the Fisher information, which we will call entropy-information inequalities. Further, we deduce applications of entropy-information inequalities such as ultracontractivity bounds, exponential integrability of Lipschitz functions, finite diameter bounds and a modified version of the celebrated Nash inequality.