This research will analyze the business process for transfer payment transactions inside one of the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) distributor companies in Bandung. This research aims to understand the current situation of the business process, give a solution for the business issue faced by the company, and speed up the business process. The analysis in this research was done by using two methodologies, customer value chain analysis and business process simulation. This research used customer value chain analysis to visualize the flow of information regarding the transaction payment from the customer to the company. This research used business process simulation to calculate the processing speed of the current situation to determine that the process is possible to be improved. For the simulation, this research utilized iGrafx software. The research founds that in this LPG distributor company, there is a problem of undetected transfer payment. This business issue creates opportunity loss and bottleneck in the company. This research found that the company's current business process for transfer payment transaction is not efficient enough. Simulation results supported this finding and became the basis for developing some alternative solutions for this business issue. This research proposed three possible solutions based on an information technology system to solve the issue. The targets for alternative solutions are eliminating the undetected transfer payment cases and increasing the company sales number by making the business process more efficient.