This study paper aims to examine the main interdependencies and synergies between Blue Economy sectors and relatedly prominent business and economic actors. In particular, the research proposes emerging strategic management perspectives capable to better understand potential interdependences and synergies among BE sectors, also deepening the relevance of relationship established between main business actors populating these sectors. For this purpose, stakeholder relationship management, maritime spatial planning, and innovation ecosystem theories are suggested as the most fitting theoretical constructs to be applied. Grounding on a systematic academic literature review, insights from a grey review and anecdotal evidence emerging from a valuable business case focus on interdependences and synergies which may originate among Marine living resources, Marine Renewable Energy and Bioeconomy sectors. By stressing, the potential synergic interactions on which innovation ecosystems grounds on, this theoretical model is used for highlighting how parties involved in the ecosystem can support the introduction and diffusion of innovative processes, products and services in the Blue Economy domain, exploiting the aforementioned interdependences among BE sectors and actors, overcoming the technological issues that represent an obstacle to inter-sectorial upgrading and economic success. Research outcomes from the performed academic and grey literature review, jointly with evidence form the selected business case unveils that a strategic management perspective, which support the adoption of several managerial theories such innovation ecosystems, stakeholder relationships management and marine spatial planning allows a better understanding of the investigated phenomenon and favor the development of green and sustainable strategies pursued by prominent actors populating the BE industry and related sectors, thus supporting their license to operate when managing relationships with their main stakeholders.