Most literature assessing the effectiveness of competition policy focuses on short term impacts, ignoring the likelihood that firms and market mechanisms may take some time to respond to policy interventions. This paper adopts a more dynamic perspective in the context of cartel detection by analysing subsequent developments in market structures through merger. With data for a sample of 84 EC cartels, the paper employs a novel application of recurrent event survival analysis to establish that cartel breakdown is indeed typically followed by intensive merger activity. This is most likely for cartels which had been detected via leniency applications and where concentration was relatively lower. The paper also shows that in most markets where mergers do not occur, the post-cartel structure is already consistent with potential dominance, and in a number of those where it is not, the mergers move the market in that direction. Surprisingly few post-bust mergers were investigated by the competition authority (in this case the European Commission), and this appears to be because many were individually small, but cumulatively had significant impact on concentration.
Contact Details:Stephen Most literature assessing the e¤ectiveness of competition policy focuses on short term impacts, ignoring the likelihood that …rms and market mechanisms may take some time to respond to policy interventions. This paper adopts a more dynamic perspective in the context of cartel detection by analysing subsequent developments in market structures through merger. With data for a sample of 84 EC cartels, it employs a novel application of recurrent event survival analysis to establish that cartel breakdown is typically followed by intensive merger activity. This is most likely for cartels which had been detected via leniency applications and where concentration was relatively lower.The paper also shows that in most markets where mergers do not occur, the post-cartel structure is already consistent with potential dominance, and in a number of those where it is not, the mergers move the market in that direction.Surprisingly very few post-cartel mergers were intervened by the competition authority, and this appears to be because many were individually small, but cumulatively had signi…cant impact on concentration.