According to Garth Boomer, "teachers teach who they are" (quoted in Tinning, 2004, p. 245).This quote acknowledges the centrality of the self as inextricably linked to readings of curriculum and enacted pedagogy. Which is all very well, unless a teacher's subject identity aligns with traditional, dialectic and biomedical views of health and is therefore at odds with contemporary sociocultural health education curriculum. Can teacher education training be mobilised to ensure greater consistency between the intended and enacted curriculum sociocritical health education?This ethnographic doctoral research sought to consider whether a critically-oriented HETE program be an effective means of creating/moulding/shaping 'good' socio-critical teachers of health education? To provide insights, an undergraduate health education teacher education course implemented at a major metropolitan university in Queensland, Australia provided the case study for this doctoral research. The designer and lecturer of this course mobilised critical pedagogy to create teachers that reflected her vision of good teachers of health education.
Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, Rose's (2000b) Five-Component Analytic, TheRegimes of the Person, was engaged to assist in illuminating the complex forces and factors that contribute to forming teacher subject identity. This framework consists of five analytic concepts -problematisations, teleologies, technologies, authorities and, strategies. The case study included two cohorts of undergraduate students: 124 from the Bachelor of Primary/ Middle Years (primary generalists) and 44 from the Bachelor of Human Movement Studies degree (HPE specialists). Of these, 12 students agreed to be interviewed at the end of the teaching semester of the courses EDU27 & EDU39 Educating for Better Health. Interviews with students were also conducted following the completion of major practicum, 18 months after the initial interviews, with seven of the original 12 students consenting to this follow up interview. Course materials, observation notes, power-point slides, examples of student assessments and group work all formed the qualitative data set for this project.Findings from this research identify and describe specific teaching strategies employed in the name of critical pedagogy. A combination of pedagogy of discomfort, arts-based pedagogies, personal reflection, personal narratives and student-centred/inquiry-based learning, were mobilised to achieve one educator's vision of good health education teachers. Students reported ii varying levels of engagement with these strategies. The impact of the suite of strategies varied depending on student's personal biographies and existing identities. Some students were shaken by the pedagogical encounter and embraced the concepts and pedagogy of the course and some were stirred (or disturbed) by the course and did not possess the inclination, or had been afforded opportunities to incorporate into their teaching practice. Finally, some students remained stationary or unmo...