We prove that given any β < 1/3, a time interval [0, T ], and given any smooth energy profile e : [0, T ] → (0, ∞), there exists a weak solution v of the three-dimensional Euler equations such that v ∈ C β ([0, T ] × T 3 ), with e(t) = ´T3 |v(x, t)| 2 dx for all t ∈ [0, T ]. Moreover, we show that a suitable h-principle holds in the regularity class C β t,x , for any β < 1/3. The implication of this is that the dissipative solutions we construct are in a sense typical in the appropriate space of subsolutions as opposed to just isolated examples.Date: January 31, 2017. 1 The smallest constant C satisfying (1.2) will be denoted by [v] β , cf. Appendix A. We will write v ∈ C β (T 3 ×[0, T ]) when v is Hölder continuous in the whole space-time.