The pudendal nerve block (PNB) is widely used for regional anesthesia during obstetric and anorectal procedures, but its role in urologic procedures has not been thoroughly studied. While transvaginal PNB is relatively straightforward, PNB in male patients often requires imaging guidance due to difficulty appreciating anatomic landmarks. We review the PNB and relevant sonoanatomy, and describe its analgesic efficacy in three male patients undergoing urethroplasty for urethral stricture. In this procedure, the patient was placed in lithotomy position, the ischial tuberosity was palpated, and the sacrotuberous ligament and pudendal artery were identified using ultrasound. Ropivacaine was injected medial to the pudendal artery and disappearance of muscle twitch was demonstrated. Two patients reported well-controlled pain at 24 hours postoperatively. One reported perineal pain requiring additional analgesia. All patients were discharged on postoperative day 1 without complications. Ultrasound-guided PNB provides safe and reasonably effective pain control to male patients undergoing urologic procedures.