According to quantum chemicalp redictions, [5] linear isomer A (Scheme 1), which is analogous to HCCH, does not occupy am inimum on the potentiale nergy surfacef or the isomerization of A into E,f or which two imaginary frequencies were discovered. In contrast, trans-bent model B was identified as am inimum, albeit that its structure is very different from the linear symmetry of HCCH (D 1h ), despite the factt hat the Si atom also exhibits s 2 p 2 valence electrons similar to carbon. According to theoretical calculations, trans-bent disilyne B shouldn ot to be stable and easily isomerize into the more stable 1,2-H-shifted C.D i-bridged E was identified as ag lobal minimum for Si 2 H 2 ,w hile isomer D is al ocal minimum that exhibits the second-lowest energy.T he predicted results were furtherc onfirmed by subsequent experiments, i.e.,b oth D [6a] and E [6b-d] were observedu sing millimeter-and submillimeterwave rotationals pectroscopy.A dditional studies [6e-j] revealed that Ge 2 H 2 ,S n 2 H 2 ,a nd Pb 2 H 2 follow the same trend as Si 2 H 2 , i.e.,their di-bridged formsrepresent globalminima.These studies indicate that efficient steric protection is necessary to prevent isomerizationsvia 1,2-shifts and exergonic dimerizationsi no rder to isolate stable dimetallynes (Scheme2).Recently the idea of kinetic stabilization has been proventob e very effective fort he isolation of stable dimetallynes with an E Et riple bond. Although this review focuses on the reactivity of isolated dimetallynes, their structural features and recent [a] Prof.