The reactiono fd ioxygen with nitrenes can have significant energy barriers, although both reactants are triplet diradicals and the formationof nitroso-O-oxides is spin-allowed.B ym eans of matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy in solid argon, nitrogen, and neon,a nd through high-level computational quantum chemistry,i ti ss hownh erein that a 3-nitreno-1,3,2-benzodioxaborole CatBN (Cat = catecholato) reacts with dioxygenu nder cryogenicc onditions thermally at temperatures as low as 7K to produce two distinct products, an anti-nitroso-O-oxide and an itritoborane CatBONO. The computedb arriers for the formation of nitroso-O-oxide isomersa re very low.W hereas anti-nitroso-O-oxide is kinetically trapped,i ts bisected isomer has av ery low barrierf or metathesis, yieldingt he CatBO + NO radicals in as trongly exothermic reaction; these radicals can combineu nder matrix-isolation conditions to give nitritoborane CatBONO. The trapped isomer, anti-nitroso-O-oxide, can form the nitri-toboraneC atBONO only after photoexcitation, possibly involvingi somerization to the bisectedi somer of anti-nitroso-O-oxide.