Abstract-The natural course of many abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) is to gradually expand and eventually rupture and monitoring the disease progression is essential to their management. In this publication, we review surrogate markers of AAA progression. AAA diameter remains the most widely used and important marker of AAA growth.
Wanhainen et al Surrogate Markers of Aneurysm Progression 237in all studies when a standardized protocol is used. 7,8 One of the challenging aspects to assessing maximum AAA diameter is the variety of methods that can potentially be used and the lack of reporting of the exact techniques used in individual studies. Variations may occur in the plane of acquisition (eg, coronal or sagittal), the axis of measurement (eg, axial or orthogonal), the position of the measuring calipers (eg, inner to inner or outer to outer), the relationship with the cardiac cycle (systole versus diastole), and the selected region of the AAA. 9 It has been suggested that diameters measured perpendicular to the aorta centerline (orthogonal), rather than within the axial plane, are more representative of the true AAA diameter. 4,6 With ultrasound, measurements within the anteroposterior, rather than the transverse plane, have been reported to be more reproducible. 4 There is no current consensus on how to place the calipers when measuring the diameter with ultrasound. Methods used include the outer-to-outer method, where calipers are placed on the outer layer of the aortic wall; the inner-to-inner method, where calipers are placed on the inner layer of the aortic wall; and the leading edge-to-leading edge method, where calipers are placed on the outer layer of the anterior wall and the inner layer of the posterior wall ( Figure 1). Much of the reported variation in ultrasound measured AAA diameter is likely because of the variation in caliper placement. 5,10 The UK Small Aneurysm Trial 11 is based on the measurement of AAA diameter on the outer-to-outer method, and this method has been adopted into the current UK intervention criteria. 12 The inner-to-inner method was used in the Multicentre Aneurysm Screening Study, 13 and consequently it is used in the current UK National Health Service AAA screening programme.14 The leading edgeto-leading edge method is used in the current Swedish AAA screening programme.15 Studies comparing these methods show there is a significant difference in diameters measured with the different methods, which has an impact on the reported prevalence rates of AAA. 5,10 In a Swedish AAA screening study, the difference in mean diameter was 4 mm between inner-toinner and outer-to-outer, which resulted in an astonishing 77% difference in AAA prevalence (ie, 1.3% compared with 2.3%).
5A systematic review of 15 studies reported considerable variation in small AAA growth rates (mean, −0.3 to +4.0 mm/y). 15 The variation could not be explained by differences in initial AAA diameter alone. 16 The authors suggested that methodological issues, such as differences in imaging modalities, variation ...