Multicrystalline blockp olymers having three or more crystalline segments are essential materials for the advancement of physics in the field of crystallinity.T he challenging synthesis of multicrystalline polymers has resulted in only al imited number of tricrystalline terpolymers having been reported to date.Wereport, for the first time,the synthesis, atetracrystalline tetrablockq uarterpolymer,b yc ombining polyhomologation, ring-opening polymerization, and an organic/ metal "catalyst switch"s trategy. 1 HNMR spectroscopya nd gel-permeation chromatography confirmed the formation of the tetrablockq uarterpolymer,w hile differential scanning calorimetry,X -ray diffraction, and wide-line separation solidstate NMR spectroscopyrevealed the existence of four different crystalline domains.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification numbers for some of the authors of this article can be found under: https://doi.Figure 6. X-ray diffractograms of PE-OH-2 (black), PE-b-PEO-2 (red), PE-b-PEO-b-PCL-2 (blue), and PE-b-PEO-b-PCL-b-PLLA-2 (green).