The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site of synthesis of secretory and membrane proteins and contacts every organelle of the cell, exchanging lipids and metabolites in a highly regulated manner. How the ER spatially segregates its numerous and diverse functions, including positioning nanoscopic contact sites with other organelles, is unclear. We demonstrate that hypotonic swelling of cells converts the ER and other membrane-bound organelles into micrometerscale large intracellular vesicles (LICVs) that retain luminal protein content and maintain contact sites with each other through localized organelle tethers. Upon cooling, ER-derived LICVs phase-partition into microscopic domains having different lipid-ordering characteristics, which is reversible upon warming. Ordered ER lipid domains mark contact sites with ER and mitochondria, lipid droplets, endosomes, or plasma membrane, whereas disordered ER lipid domains mark contact sites with lysosomes or peroxisomes. Tethering proteins concentrate at ER-organelle contact sites, allowing time-dependent behavior of lipids and proteins to be studied at these sites. These findings demonstrate that LICVs provide a useful model system for studying the phase behavior and interactive properties of organelles in intact cells. endoplasmic reticulum | contact sites | phase partitioning | organelle tethers I t has long been hypothesized that small, diffraction-limited, liquid-ordered (L o ) microdomains can form on the plasma membrane (PM) of cells (1-3). Lipids such as cholesterol and sphingolipids are concentrated in these domains, and membrane and membrane-associated proteins can preferentially segregate into these domains to allow sorting of proteins and localized signal transduction (2, 4). Giant PM vesicles (GPMVs) isolated from mammalian PM have been an important tool for studying these properties in physiological membranes (5-8). GPMVs contain the complex mixture of lipids and proteins found in intact PM, are not contaminated with membranes from other organelles, and phase-separate into microscopically visible L o -like and liquiddisordered-like lipid domains (8). These features make GPMVs a suitable model system for studying the lipid domain preference of membrane proteins (7,9,10). Phase-like membrane heterogeneities with physical properties similar to the lipid phases in GPMVs are also thought to occur in the intact PM, albeit on a smaller scale due to constant lipid turnover and membrane trafficking (11). As an example, a recent study demonstrated a functional role of lipidbased phase separation in mammalian PM by showing ordered L olike domain formation during HIV assembly at the PM, a process driving sorting of specific proteins into HIV membranes (4).