The continuous increases of atmospheric temperature and CO 2 concentration will impact global photosynthesis. However, there are few studies considering the interaction of elevated temperature (eT) and elevated CO 2 (eCO 2 ) on dynamic photosynthesis, particularly for C 4 species. We examine dynamic photosynthesis under four different temperature and [CO 2 ] treatments:(1) 400 ppm × 28°C (CT); (2) 400 ppm × 33°C (CT+); (3) 800 ppm × 28°C (C+T); and (4) 800 ppm × 33°C (C+T+). In Glycine max L., the time required to reach 50% (T 50%A ) and 90% (T 90%A ) of full photosynthetic induction was smaller under the CT+, C+T, and C+T+ treatments than those under the CT treatment. In Amaranthus tricolor L., however, neither T 50%A nor T 90%A was not significantly affected by eT or eCO 2 . In comparison with the CT treatment, the achieved carbon gain was increased by 58.3% (CT+), 112% (C+T), and 136.6% (C+T+) in G. max and was increased by 17.1% (CT+), 2.6% (C+T) and 56.9% (C+T+) in A. tricolor. The increases of achieved carbon gain in G. max were attributable to both improved photosynthetic induction efficiency (IE) and enhanced steady-state photosynthesis, whereas those in A. tricolor were attributable to enhanced steady-state photosynthesis.