The precise mechanism of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) proteolysis in myocardial stunning is not fully understood. Accordingly, we determined the effect of cTnI C terminus truncation on chemo-mechanical transduction in isolated skinned rat trabeculae. Recombinant troponin complex (cTn), containing either mouse cTnI-(1-193) or human cTnI-(1-192) was exchanged into skinned cardiac trabeculae; Western blot analysis confirmed that 60 -70% of the endogenous cTn was replaced by recombinant Tn. Incorporation of truncated cTnI induced significant reductions (ϳ50%) in maximum force and cooperative activation as well as increases (ϳ50%) in myofilament Ca 2؉ sensitivity and tension cost. Similar results were obtained with either mouse or human truncated cTn. Presence of truncated cTnI increased maximum actin-activated S1 ATPase activity as well as its Ca 2؉ sensitivity in vitro. Partial exchange (50%) for truncated cTnI resulted in similar reductions in maximum force and cooperativity; tension cost was increased in proportion to truncated cTnI content. In vitro, to determine the molecular mechanism responsible for the enhanced myofilament Ca 2؉ sensitivity, we measured Ca
2؉binding to cTn as reported using a fluorescent probe. Incorporation of truncated cTnI did not affect Ca 2؉ binding affinity to cTn alone. However, when cTn was incorporated into thin filaments, cTnI truncation induced a significant increase in Ca 2؉ binding affinity to cTn. We conclude that cTnI truncation induces depressed myofilament function. Decreased cardiac function after ischemia/reperfusion injury may directly result, in part, from proteolytic degradation of cTnI, resulting in alterations in cross-bridge cycling kinetics.In experiments described here, we investigated the functional significance of losing the C terminus region of cardiac TnI as found in myocardial stunning. Myocardial stunning is a form of postischemic dysfunction that persists after restoration of normal coronary flow in the absence of irreversible damage. It has become increasingly evident that myocardial stunning may contribute significantly to the morbidity associated with coronary artery disease (1). As such, elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying myocardial stunning is critical to aid in the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Proteolytic degradation of cardiac cTn I (cTnI) 2 has emerged has a potential cellular mechanism underlying the depressed contractile function seen in myocardial stunning, possibly as the result of Ca 2ϩ activation of the protease calpain-I upon reperfusion (1) and/or increased mechanical load on the heart (2). However, these findings are species-dependent (i.e. no degradation of cTnI was observed in larger animal models of myocardial stunning, such as the pig (3) or dog (4)). In addition, although application of activated calpain-I to rodent skinned myocardium results in depressed myofilament function (5, 6), this effect is reported to be correlated with the degradation of cTnI in some (5) but not all studies (6). Importantly, cTnI degra...