Human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes provide a cellular model for the study of electrophysiology in the human heart and are finding a niche in the field of safety pharmacology for predicting proarrhythmia. The cardiac L-type Ca 2+ channel is an important target for some of these safety studies. However, the pharmacology of this channel in these cells is altered compared to native cardiac tissue, specifically in its sensitivity to the Ca 2+ channel activator S-( -)-Bay K 8644. Using patch clamp electrophysiology, we examined the effects of S-( -)-Bay K 8644 in three separate stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte cell lines under various conditions in an effort to detect more typical responses to the drug. S-( -)-Bay K 8644 failed to produce characteristically large increases in current when cells were held at -40 mV and Ca 2+ was used as the charge carrier, although high-affinity binding and the effects of the antagonist isomer, R-(+)-Bay K 8644, were intact. Dephosphorylation of the channel with acetylcholine failed to restore the sensitivity of the channel to the drug. Only when the holding potential was shifted to a more hyperpolarized ( -60 mV) level, and external Ca 2+ was replaced by Ba 2+ , could large increases in current amplitude be observed. Even under these conditions, increases in current amplitude varied dramatically between different cell lines and channel kinetics following drug addition were generally atypical. The results indicate that the pharmacology of S-( -)-Bay K 8644 in stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes varies by cell type, is unusually dependent on holding potential and charge carrier, and is different from that observed in primary human heart cells.