P2Y1 purinergic receptors (P2Y1Rs) mediate rises in intracellular Ca 2؉ in response to ATP, but the duration and characteristics of this Ca 2؉ response are known to vary markedly in distinct cell types. We screened the P2Y1R carboxyl terminus against a recently created proteomic array of PDZ (PSD-95͞Drosophila Discs large͞ZO-1 homology) domains and identified a previously unrecognized, specific interaction with the second PDZ domain of the scaffold NHERF-2 (Na ؉ ͞H ؉ exchanger regulatory factor type 2). Furthermore, we found that P2Y1R and NHERF-2 associate in cells, allowing NHERF-2-mediated tethering of P2Y 1R to key downstream effectors such as phospholipase C. Finally, we found that coexpression of P2Y1R with NHERF-2 in glial cells prolongs P2Y1R-mediated Ca 2؉ signaling, whereas disruption of the P2Y1R-NHERF-2 interaction by point mutations attenuates the duration of P2Y1R-mediated Ca 2؉ responses. These findings reveal that NHERF-2 is a key regulator of the cellular activity of P2Y 1R and may therefore determine cellspecific differences in P2Y1R-mediated signaling.G protein-coupled receptor ͉ purinergic ͉ ATP ͉ proteomic array A denine-based nucleotides such as ATP and ADP are prominent extracellular signaling molecules that mediate a wide variety of physiological actions in tissues throughout the body. Many of the physiological effects evoked by ATP and ADP are mediated by metabotropic P2Y receptors (P2YRs) (1), which are members of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. To date, seven distinct mammalian P2YR subtypes have been cloned: P2Y 1 , P2Y 2 , P2Y 4 , P2Y 6 , P2Y 11 , P2Y 12 , and P2Y 13 . Most P2YRs are coupled to G␣ q proteins and thus to the activation of phospholipase C (PLC) and generation of diacylglycerol and inositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate, ultimately leading to the activation of PKC and release of Ca 2ϩ from internal stores (1). Some P2YRs, including P2Y 1 , P2Y 2 , P2Y 12 , and P2Y 13 , are also known to couple to G␣ i and the inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (2-5). The purinergic P2YR type 1 (P2Y 1 R) subtype is abundantly expressed in a number of tissues, including the CNS (6, 7), where it plays a key role in the transmission of astrocytic Ca 2ϩ waves (8), activation of mitogenic responses in astrocytes to brain trauma (9), inhibition of neuronal N-type voltage-activated Ca 2ϩ channels (10), and embryonic brain development (11). P2Y 1 R also plays critical roles in the cardiovascular system, including the regulation of coronary vasodilation (12) and platelet aggregation (13).Signaling by P2Y 1 Rs is known to be heavily dependent on cellular context. For example, stimulation of P2Y 1 Rs in some cell types is known to strongly promote cell proliferation (14), whereas P2Y 1 R stimulation in other cell types is known to induce apoptosis (15). Furthermore, P2Y 1 Rs can exert cellular effects that are quite different from those exerted by other P2YRs expressed in the same cell type and that couple to similar G proteins. For example, in astrocytes, both P2Y 1 Rs and P2Y 2 Rs can cou...