Calcium is the major regulator of the physiological responses in photoreceptor cells. Calcium enters outer segments of vertebrate photoreceptors through cGMP-gated Na ϩ /Ca 2ϩ channels in the outer segment plasma membrane and is continuously removed from the outer segment by a light-independent Na re-enters the outer segments and the Ca 2ϩ -bound GCAPs decelerate cGMP synthesis.GCAPs are recoverin-like neuronal calcium-binding proteins, also referred to as the neuronal calcium sensors (NCS) family, a part of a larger superfamily of EF-hand Ca 2ϩ -binding proteins (12)(13)(14)(15)(16). Like all other members of that superfamily GCAPs have Ca 2ϩ -binding EF-hand domains of the helix-loophelix structure. The metal-binding loop in the NCS proteins is traditionally defined as 12 sequential amino acid residues, of which 6 residues provide the oxygen atoms required for the metal coordination, including the invariant first and the last coordinating residues, Asp and Glu, respectively. The N-terminal EF-hand domains in GCAP-1 and GCAP-2 lack some of the oxygen-containing groups required for coordinating the metal ion (17), but are instead required for their interaction with . We previously found that in the conditions that mimic light-adapted or dark-adapted photoreceptors, three other EF-hands in GCAP-1 are predominantly filled by either Mg 2ϩ or Ca 2ϩ , respectively (21, 22). There are multiple reports that substitutions of the first and last coordinating amino acids inactivate EF-hands in NCS proteins (17,(22)(23)(24)(25). Among these are the observations that inactivation of all three metal-binding EF-hands in GCAP-2 by substitution of the last Glu in EF-hands 2 and 3 with Gln and the first Asp in the EF-hand 4 with Asn make GCAP-2 a constitutive, insensitive to Ca 2ϩ activator of RetGC (24). A similar effect was observed for GCAP-1, whose EF-hands were disabled by substitution of the last Glu in the Ca 2ϩ -binding loop with Asp (25). Those observations lead to the perception that metal-free GCAPs are the activators of RetGC and that GCAPs undergo transition from Ca 2ϩ -bound to the metal-free form between dark and light. However, our recent study of metal-binding * This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant EY11522 and the Pennsylvania Lions Sight Conservation and Eye Research Foundation. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.