In this paper, we use word frequency semantic analysis and sentiment analysis to analyze tourists’ review texts of four different brands of cruise ships and extract cruise design elements such as functional service parameters, schedule parameters, and affordable parameters from them. The evaluation factor set of the cruise ship spatial layout division scheme is constructed, and the correlation between the evaluation factors is analyzed through multivariate statistical analysis to establish a comprehensive evaluation method of the scheme in order to determine the optimal module division scheme. After analysis, it can be seen that functional services (service, catering, room, entertainment) are the most concerned elements for tourists, and older people and children are an important part of tourists. Residential functional areas should be concentrated on the 5th-11th floors. The overall module division scheme 3 (module division combination [1,2], [3], [4], [5,6,7,8,9], [10], [11], [12,13], [14]) of the passenger cabin has a correlation of 1 with the efficiency of the spatial layout, and the weight value reaches 0.283, which is the optimal scheme. The effective space utilization rate of cabin interior space layout design scheme 3 is 0.483. The method proposed in this paper, which enhances the efficiency of cabin space layout on cruise ships, has practical significance.