Historically, the inspection and maintenance of high-voltage power lines have been performed by linemen using various traditional means. In recent years, the use of robots appeared as a new and complementary method of performing such tasks, as several initiatives have been explored around the world. Among them is the teleoperated robotic platform called LineScout Technology, developed by Hydro-Québec, which has the capacity to clear most obstacles found on the grid. Since its 2006 introduction in the operations, it is considered by many utilities as the pioneer project in the domain. This paper's purpose is to present the mobile platform design and its main mechatronics subsystems to support a comprehensive description of the main functions and application modules it offers. This includes sensors and a compact modular arm equipped with tools to repair cables and broken conductor strands. This system has now been used on many occasions to assess the condition of power line infrastructure and some results are presented. Finally, future developments and potential technologies roadmap are briefly discussed.INDEX TERMS Field robotics, power line inspection, teleoperation.