It it known that the set of L-space surgeries on a nontrivial L-space knot is always bounded from below. However, already for two-component torus links the set of L-space surgeries might be unbounded from below. For algebraic two-component links we provide three complete characterizations for the boundedness from below: one in terms of the h-function, one in terms of the Alexander polynomial, and one in terms of the embedded resolution graph. They show that the set of L-space surgeries is bounded from below for most algebraic links. In fact, the used property of the h-function is a sufficient condition for non-algebraic L-space links as a link with r components. We define LS(L) ⊂ Z r to be the set of all r-tuples (d 1 , . . . , d r ) such that the surgery S 3 d 1 ,...,dr (L) of S 3 along L with coefficients (d 1 , . . . , d r ) is an L-space.By definition, L is an L-space link if and only if (Z ≥N ) r ⊂ LS(L) for some N. The structure of the set LS for knots is described by the following result. Theorem 1.1.2. ([31, 33], [14, Lemma 2.13]) Let K be a nontrivial L-space knot. Then S 3 d (K) is an L-space if and only if d ≥ 2g(K) − 1. In other words, LS(K) = [2g(K) − 1, +∞).On the other hand, already for two-component links the structure of the set LS becomes very complicated. For example, the sets LS(T (2p, 2q)) for two-component torus links were studied for p = 1 in [21] and for p > 1 in [10], and happen to be unbounded from below (see Figure 1 for the structure of LS for the (4, 6) torus link). In this paper, we study the following basic question about L-space links.Problem 1.1.3. For which L-space links the set LS(L) is bounded from below?Note that by a theorem of Liu [21] the Heegaard-Floer homology of any surgery on a 2component L-space link is completely determined by its Heegaard-Floer link homology, which, in its turn, is determined by the bivariate Alexander polynomial. However, it appears to be hard to use this algorithm directly to determine the set LS(L). We give the following partial answer.Assume that L has 2 components. Let h be the h-function for L (defined in [11]), h i are the h-functions for L i and v * is the point naturally dual to v, see Definition 3.4.