In this paper, we consider the problem of accurate force control using actuated winches, intended for use in real-time hybrid hydrodynamic model testing. The paper is also relevant to other cabledriven parallel robot applications that use force control in an inner control loop. For this problem, conventional strategies typically use actuated winches with torque-controlled servomotors directly connected to the cabled drum. In contrast, we propose using actuated winches with position-controlled servomotors that connect to the cabled drum via a clockspring. The servomotors are position controlled at drive-level and are rapid, accurate, robust, and simple to install. We show how this, combined with an accurate estimate of the clockspring deflection and stiffness, can yield fast and precise force tracking on moving objects. This includes proposing associated feedforward force-controllers that compensates for damping, angledependent force variations, delays, and non-constant clockspring characteristics. Extensive experimental testing on a 1 degree of freedom actuated mass-spring system supports the work.
INDEX TERMSActuated winches; cable-driven parallel robots; force tracking; force control; hydrodynamic model testing; real-time hybrid model testing 2021This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.