CaWRKY40 coordinately activates pepper immunity against Ralstonia solanacearum infection (RSI) and high temperature stress (HTS) forms positive feedback loops with other positive regulators and is promoted by CaWRKY27b/CaWRKY28 through physical interactions, however, whether and how it is regulated by negative regulators to function appropriately remain unclear. Herein, we provide evidence that CaWRKY40 is repressed by a SALT TOLERANCE HOMOLOG2 in pepper (CaSTH2), our data from gene silencing and transient overexpression in pepper and epoptic overexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana plants showed that CaSTH2 acted as negative regulator in immunity against RSI and thermotolerance, our data from BiFC, CoIP, pull down and MST indicate that CaSTH2 interacted with CaWRKY40, by which CaWRKY40 was prevented from activating immunity or thermotolerance related genes. It was also found that CaSTH2 repressed CaWRKY40 at least partially through blocking interaction of CaWRKY40 with CaWRKY27b/CaWRKY28, but not through directly repressing binding of CaWRKY40 to its target genes. The results of study provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying the coordination of pepper immunity and thermotolerance.