There is a continuing need for experimental neuro-oncology for animal models that can be used to assess the efficacy of innovative approaches for the treatment of brain tumors. The rat has been one of the most widely used of all experimental animals, and rat brain tumor models have been used extensively
ABStrActBrain cancer is the second neurological cause of death. A simplified animal brain tumor model using W256 (carcinoma 256, Walker) cell line was developed to permit the testing of novel treatment modalities. Wistar rats had a cell tumor solution inoculated stereotactically in the basal ganglia (right subfrontal caudate). This model yielded tumor growth in 95% of the animals, and showed absence of extracranial metastasis and systemic infection. Survival median was 10 days. Estimated tumor volume was 17.08±6.7 mm 3 on the 7 th day and 67.25±19.8 mm 3 on 9 th day post-inoculation. Doubling time was 24.25 h. Tumor growth induced cachexia, but no hematological or biochemical alterations. This model behaved as an undifferentiated tumor and can be promising for studying tumor cell migration in the central nervous system. Dexamethasone 3.0 mg/kg/day diminished significantly survival in this model. Cyclosporine 10 mg/kg/day administration was safely tolerated.Key words: brain neoplasms, neoplasms, experimental, carcinoma 256, Walker, cachexia, cell movement, immunosuppressive agents.reSUMO Neoplasias encefálicas constituem a segunda causa neurológica de morte. Foi desenvolvido um modelo animal simplificado de tumor cerebral em ratos utilizando a linhagem celular W256 (carcinoma 256 de Walker) para permitir teste de novos tratamentos. Ratos Wistar foram inoculados nos gânglios da base (caudato subfrontal direito) com uma solução celular tumoral, por via estereotáxica. Este modelo demonstrou crescimento tumoral em 95% dos animais inoculados com sucesso, além de mostrar ausência de metástases extracranianas e infecção sistêmica. A mediana de sobrevida dos animais foi de 10 dias. O volume tumoral estimado foi de 17,08±6,7 mm 3 no sétimo dia e de 67,25±19,8 mm 3 no nono dia após a inoculação. O tempo de duplicação foi estimado em 24,25 h. O crescimento tumoral induziu a caquexia, mas não houve alterações bioquímicas ou hematológicas. Esse modelo permite fácil reprodução e comporta-se como um tumor indiferenciado, mostrando potencial para estudar migração celular tumoral no sistema nervoso central. Dexametasona 3,0 mg/kg/dia reduziu significantemente a sobrevida dos animais inoculados com tumor nesse modelo. Ciclosporina 10 mg/kg/dia não teve efeito na sobrevida, sendo sua administração bem tolerada.Palavras-Chave: neoplasias encefálicas, neoplasias experimentais, carcinoma 256 de Walker, caquexia, movimento celular, imunossupressores.since the mid 1970s. Rat tumor models have a series of advantages when compared to mouse models despite the recent and frequent use of knockout genetic mice models.It was first reported in the early 1970s that central nervous system (CNS) tumors could be reproducibly and